If you haven't been to church before or are new to Leominster Priory, here is some information that might help.
Check our A Church Near You pages for details of special services.
What sort of services do you have?![](/content/pages/uploaded_images/9.jpg)
Our 10am Sunday service lasts somewhere between 1 and 1.5 hours and includes communion (receiving bread and wine). We usually have a sermon for about 10 minutes. We have hymns led by our choir and the service always starts with the choir singing something on their own (the Introit). You will be given a service book to follow which contains all the words to join in with. Some of them are spoken and others sung - don't worry, just join in if you want to!
On the third sunday of the month the service is more informal with an all age talk or an activity to join in with - if you don't want to join in, that's fine too..
What is the best service to come to?
The Sunday 10am service is our ‘main’ service. If you prefer something quieter then try our Wednesday Eucharist at 10.30am or if you would like something more reflective and outdoors come to Church around the Fire on the second Sunday of the month at 6.30pm.
What should I wear?
Whatever you are comfortable in. People wear anything from jeans to a suit and tie.
Can I park?
There is free on street parking in Church Street with 1 hour restrictions and around The Grange with 2 hour restrictions. There is a car park nearby in Broad Street.
What time should I arrive?
If you come 5 to 10 minutes before the start time, you can get settled and chat to others.
What about my children?
Children are always very welcome – at any age, bring them along with you. Your child probably will make a noise, and that is fine – we would rather have the noise and your child and you. We are happy for you to get up and move around if it helps. There is a children's area with books and toys, where your child is welcome to play. You can either play too or sit in a chair next to the children's area.
What if I’m not used to church services?
The person leading the service will explain what is happening as we go through the service. Don’t worry about when to stand and when to sit, just look around and see what other people are doing if you are not sure. If standing up is difficult for you, it is fine to stay seated.
We 'Share the Peace' during our 10am services. This means that at one point during the service everyone walks around and shakes each other by the hand and says "Peace be with you." Some people shake hands with lots of people and some just with the person next to them. If you don't want to join in, that's ok; it's a good way to get to know people though, so try not to feel too surprised if people greet you!
If it is a communion service then at the appropriate point in the service, everyone will be invited to come up to the altar rail, either to receive Communion, ie. the bread and the wine, or to receive a Blessing. People choose which part of the church to go to when they are receiving communion - there are three different places and you can choose where to go. It can look really confusing because everyone moves at the same time, but don't worry - follow someone if it helps. If you would like to receive a Blessing only, then please take up with you a service sheet which indicates this to the person giving Communion. If you prefer, you can remain in your seat during Communion.
Can I donate money?
We have a donations plate on the table on the way into Church. we also have a contactless donations point that you are welcome to use. We don't pass a collection plate during the service. We are very grateful for all donations towards the work of Leominster Priory but it's completely up to you if you want to make a donation.
Do you have toilets?
Yes and baby changing facilities. These will be open for services and other church events but not on a daily basis. There are public toilets on the Grange (recreation park) 5 minutes walk from the Priory.
What about people with disabilities?
We have loop system for those using a hearing aid.
If you need to be dropped off outside the church door, that's fine. There is a space for one car next to the door if you need to park really close.
There is a ramp down to the Norman Nave where the toilets are. There is an accessible toilet.
There are some large print versions of our service booklets. Just ask.
If you would like to receive communion during a service but don't feel comfortable walking up to the stations at the front, please do just let someone know before the service and one of the people distributing communion will bring it to you at your seat.
What happens after the service?
At the end of the service the choir and clergy/ service leaders process to the back of the Church and say a prayer. The organist will play for a short while, but you are welcome to get up during this. Most people will stay on for tea or coffee and a chat. We would love to meet you – so please come and join in.