Update from Leominster Food Bank

Leominster Food Bank have had to move to smaller premises while building work is being carried out at the Old Priory.They are therefore temporarily
unable to give out bags of food. Instead, they are providing electronic supermarket vouchers and doing this has significantly increased their costs.
 Leominster Food Bank would be grateful if you can temporarily pause giving food donations until they are back at The Old Priory.
If you would like to donate money it can be sent directly to their bank account:

Sort code: 30-94-99 Account number: 00281106
Regular monthly donations help Leominster Food Bank to plan and to weather the storms of ever increasing food poverty.

If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, please email

Leominster Food Bank gave out over 3500 food parcels during 2024 and have given 361 during January 2025 - rural poverty is on the increase. Thankyou to everyone who supports this important work.



Page last updated: Tuesday 25th February 2025 11:03 PM
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