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The Choir

Leominster Priory Choir

At Leominster Priory we enjoy music, singing and a high standard of traditional choral music. We are a choir of children and adults, led by our professional Director of Music, Hilary Norris (who is also an experienced teacher). The choir sings at the Sunday morning 10.00am Parish Eucharist, and at Choral Evensong on the first Sunday of the month (except for August and December). We also sing at other major events throughout the year including Advent and Epiphany carol services, and for special services during Holy Week and Easter. We sing as a visiting choir in various Cathedrals once or twice a year.

Singers from seven local choirs joined Leominster Priory Choir for the Leominster's Community Coronation Service on Sunday 7th May, 2023. Highlights included Zadok the Priest by Handel and the medieval song Sumer is icumin in.


The Choir

We are recruiting children and young people aged 7–19 to join our choir. All that is needed is a love of singing as other skills are taught while in the choir. We also welcome enquiries from experienced adult singers.

What are the benefits of singing in the choir?

  • Enjoyment of music and new friendships

  • A free musical education (including vocal tuition and theory)

  • Singing in harmony in a mixed-aged setting

  • A structured system of training (including RSCM singing exams)

  • Important life skills (self-discipline, high standards, sense of achievement and learning, performing) developed in a safe environment

  • Pocket money  for younger members for each service and rehearsal attended

  • Annual Cathedral visits and participation in festivals at Hereford Cathedral

  • Children from families with little or no religious inclination are also very welcome to join the choir.

What are the weekly commitments?

The church choir year is broadly similar to school terms, with a one week holiday after Christmas and Easter and all of August free. 

Junior Choir Members

Wednesday 7.15 – 8.30 pm (or 7.15-8 for children under 11)
Sunday Parish Eucharist 9.20 am rehearsal  for 10 am Parish Eucharist

First Sunday in the month Choral Evensong  - rehearsal at 3.30pm followed by service at 4.30 pm in the winter, 5.30 rehearsal and 6.30 service in the summer.

Adult Choir Members

Wednesday 7.30 – 8.30 pm (Sopranos 7.15-8.30)
Sunday Parish Eucharist 9.20 am rehearsal 10 am service
First Sunday in the month Choral Evensong  - rehearsal at 3.30pm followed by service at 4.30 pm in the winter, 5.30 rehearsal and 6.30 service in the summer.

If you are interested in joining the choir please visit the church and talk to us after a service, or email  the Director of Music Hilary Norris  if you want to find out more.

Page last updated: Wednesday 28th June 2023 12:35 AM
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